First Published In 1888:  THE SOUL: ITS NATURE, RELATIONS....... Is Only Part 1 of 6 Parts of The 1915 Rare Book  PSYCHOSOPHY


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CORA L.V. Scott Hatch Tappan RICHMOND 
1840 - 1923
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Soul in Human Embodiments  Cora L.V. Richmond

ISBN 0-9671610-8-8
  S&H Media Mail Total $16.95

The Full Set Of Lessons In Six Parts -- Given By The Guides Through Cora L.V. Richmond To Her Private Classes.

  • Study Notes:This Is the only work that requires perception to understand. Read with the heart-mind; cannot be understood by using mind only. 
  • It is very helpful to first study the twelve 'Definition' words very carefully before commencing this work. 
  • This book must be perceived by moving very slowly, maybe only one paragraph at a time. 
  • Maybe helpful to first trying to grasp it's quantum concepts in meditation, contemplation or dream state. 
  • Know that words and the earth mind get in the way of explaining quantum and the Soul.



Having thus rather suggested than given to you the foregoing lessons, we think it desirable that the class shall remember the principal points from the beginning.

God is the infinite, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Eternal, Immortal Entity of the universe; revealed to man in all ages; under symbols, numbers, and names, which to the nations of the earth have revealed the meaning of God: whether Jehovah, Brahm(a), Allah, God or Lord, each term in its ultimate meaning is the same.

Soul is an eternal, immortal, finite entity, uncreate; in essence like unto God; therefore all Souls have had and will have being forever.

God and the Souls in the universe constitute all the consciousness of the universe.

God is the Infiniverse, and the Universe is that which God expresses.

As the Soul is finite that which is expressed by the Soul is finite. In the circle of finite expression the Soul bears the same relation that God does to the infinite expression, except that the laws governing the finite expression are forever under the guidance of the Infinite.

There is never any change in the relationship between the Soul and God: the Soul is always finite, God always Infinite. In essence, the quality of the Soul is like the Deity, yet no more can the Soul be God than the drop of water can be the ocean. This being clear, the Infinite includes the finite, but is not the finite; the Deity pervades, surrounds and controls, but is not the finite entity; nor is the finite entity God; nor are all Souls God, or parts of God, but “like unto God.” When the mind has once established the correct idea concerning the relationship between the finite and the Infinite the thought can never wander from it.

As the Soul is an eternal entity, is a unit from eternity, so, being immortal, the Soul is not impelled from the Infinite, it is not a gift
  from the Infinite, does not return to the Infinite, is not lost in. the Infinite.


The Soul does not depart from nor return to God: the state of being is always within God: the state of expression is called existence, and seems to be a departure from the state of the Soul.

There is never any change in the quality of the Soul; nothing can be added to or taken from that which is absolute; whatever the expressions are they are expressions whose sources are all within the Soul; i. e., the impetus, the power, the light and knowledge are there, Expression differs from being as matter differs from Soul.

God is manifested in the universe in Dual attributes: Father-Mother. God through expression manifests duality in all forms of the universe, and in revealed attributes.

The name that in the Orient was known as the Mahadai, the God-Goddess, has everywhere appeared in modified form expressing the twofold nature of the Deity; but no one among the seers and prophets ever made the mistake of supposing that this twofold expression was other than one God in the Infinite, any more than that the threefold expression as worshiped in Isis, Osiris and Horus; in Brahma, Vishnu and Siva; and in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, had other meaning than the threefold expression of the one Infinite, Eternal, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God.

The Soul represents in the finite what the Deity does in the Infinite: the nature of the Soul is dual, and the approach toward expression of the Soul is dual. The first stage of expression is found symbolized in the “Cherubim and Seraphim,” pictured as heads with wings of light and countenances illumined with celestial glory, but no material form.

The first state toward expression from the absolute that is like God, is that of duality, as portrayed in the Cherub and Seraph, and is by a process that we name involution, which corresponds to and is the antithesis of Evolution, in matter. The states of involution previous to mortal birth, or genesis, are not states to be remembered or expressed, because they can not be known until the return process which is after the expression in human or outward form; but there are Angels of succeeding lower degrees, beginning with the Archangels of the system, and then Angels of the planet on which the Soul is to find expression, who take charge of this involution, as there are those who take charge of each life when involved. Thus by degrees the Soul approaches expression in the outward form: not suddenly from the Celestial to mortal life, not suddenly from the Soul to the body, but through stages of descent.

The typical Garden of Eden was made the first expression in human life, i. e.: the typical contact of the Soul with matter. Adam being the man of earth, and Eve being life; Eve the serpent, the sense surrounding, the human environment.

The twofold or divided state in matter is simply the incident of expression: as matter causes the divided expression of that which is dual in essence, one in Soul, so when’ the Soul seeks expression in matter that expression must always be divided; there is not division in the Soul, in the absolute, but division in the expression of the Soul for the time that the expression takes place; these expressions are always man and woman, and the sexes are not interchangeable.

The state of human expression is called an Embodiment, of which there are successions. Embodiments begin with the lowest planetary life (adapted to human expression) and with the stage that is lowest on the planet which the Soul approaches. Thus each Soul begins at the beginning of expression. No one ever graduated as a master mason first; there is the degree of “entered apprentice,” the “fellow craftsman” then the “master mason:” each Soul enters, as an apprentice in the earthly expression, the lowermost human state. This is the typical life of every Soul that is ever expressed on earth, and all must pass through the same states; upon each planet of a system, all possible phases of that planets experiences; so there is no injustice, no partiality, no different experience; that which one Soul requires to express in any one planet all Souls must express who approach that planet for embodiment.

The dual life finds expression in man and woman on earth, and is always man and woman; the feminine expressing the feminine, the masculine expressing the masculine; there is interchange and blending of experiences by one union on earth, and by the final reunion as the Angel; they make the journey of the Soul in its dual expressions through the earthly life, passing through similar states at the same time, but not together.

There are three general degrees of expression, each of which includes many embodiments. The typical Physical expression being the first stage; the typical Intellectual expression being the second stage; the typical Moral or Spiritual expression being the third. stage. Interblending in the various conditions of human life as the unfoldment goes on, these stages are all modified to the culmination which must be comparatively separate; i. e., the mere culmination of physical life never occurs if there is great intellectual attainment, and the
  culmination of the more intellectual attainment never occurs after there is any great unfoldment of the spirit, because when pursuing physical attainment no other aim in life is of any value to the one seeking expression in that manner. To a physical life typified in Hercules, who was indeed the representative of man’s physical attainment, nothing could be great but physical power and strength. Man would be considered unfortunate in that state of expression if seeking for moral propositions in the place of a strong right arm: so when nations, as well as individuals, are in the stage of physical culmination little else is thought of; but when, sometimes, as in certain states it is true, the physical is merged into the intellectual there is a plain echo of the physical state in the higher sports, like the ancient tournaments and amusements.

The giant in intellect becomes as the gladiator; in the second stage, or degree, he is worshiped who has the greatest mind. This planet as a whole has not passed the intellectual culmination. Certain nations have so culminated, and have passed on to their ripening; groups of Souls have also; but the inhabitants of the planet, as a whole, are seeking the intellectual culmination. But the races who had beginning long eons ago have passed on through the physical, the intellectual, and the spiritual culminations, to the angelic state. The highest states of expression in individual lives upon the earth are typical of the spiritual state. Prophets and teachers afford lessons concerning the higher culminations; but the Messiahs are typical of the divinest culminations possible.

Life thus becomes perfected by gradually achieving victory in these three conditions. The most complicated condition is the moral or spiritual; since that state oftenest seems devoid of the qualities most successful in other degrees, and since in a moral direction people often deceive themselves more than others. Hercules may exemplify his strength by conquering hundreds or thousands, or by overturning a temple; the intellectual giant can accomplish the feat of solving mathematical problems in one or five minutes, or hours; or he may grasp the proposition of the creation of worlds and systems: but the man who is governed by moral force has often no way to demonstrate to mankind the truths he espouses, and the truly moral nature must wait for the world to grow to its height. Because of this the world has put its prophets, and teachers, and seers, and Saviors, to death.

These moral culminations are the most subtle, because in the highest realm: they are the lessons of the ages. But in individual lives mistakes are often made: that sentiment is morality; that that which is esthetic is moral; that some particular kind of intellectual or artistic recognition is moral growth. All will do well to analyze most closely these states of mind in themselves, and they will not fail to discover that there is little to criticize in others when individual states are so uncertain. Then in tracing these moral culminations, you have to look not only for long periods of time, but for every complex state of temptation, struggle and testing, and all that the experience of life affords, in its many intricate and winding labyrinths: and then, when you learn the final lesson, not to judge, not to condemn, it is after all possible temptation has passed from the individual life into the perfection of that divine Charity that knows all. It is because charity knows all human conditions that “charity suffereth long and is kind, vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.”

Souls approach planets in groups. We will explain the different conditions of expression. Some Souls may be in the beginnings of expression while others are ripening or culminating: this is because all Souls do not approach the planet at the same time. Souls come into expressions in groups, each group beginning expression in a given cycle: those who have precedence here in point of time may have been last in a previous expression in another solar system, so there is no partiality, that which seems so is in states where seeming partiality is possible: as time, and space, and the material senses; the conception is relative and is only in the limited view of man’s mind.

Man supposes that the human consciousness is limited by the human senses and faculties; this is true so far as the senses and faculties govern, but the real consciousness is within the Soul. This we will illustrate: supposing the Soul to be represented by the sun which shines through the earthly atmosphere, it may be obscured and clouded by the mists of earth, but still all the light you have is from the sun, without it you would be in total darkness; so with the consciousness: that which you recognize is broken, refracted, and clouded by the earthly state, still you would have no consciousness were it not for the Soul; and however imperfect that may seem as compared to the Soul itself it is all the light you have. The light comes from the Soul, the shadow from the earthly state. It is when the clouds of physical conditions are overcome by that light that the power of the Soul is expressed in matter.

Whatever is physical in man is generic, organic, and governed by law; but that law is always subject to the higher power which is from the Soul. So whenever the Soul begins to express itself the law that is above the organic law becomes operative. The spiritual teaching of every age has been exactly the same: i.e., that over the physical is the moral power; the physical law is to conquer for self, the moral power is to conquer self; the spirit is that which conquers the physical life; but until one enters the physical life there is no moral conquest, because there is no shadow.

We would have you remember that these states of expression, or human embodiments as they are termed, are not in themselves entities, but the spirit of each embodiment is a breath from the Soul; and that which the Soul possesses is always its own, so, disencumbered of that which is merely for expression, the Soul still possesses all that it has given to matter, and all that matter can not express; what that matter is, what the human mjnd is, what the personal state is accompanying the expression, are of no final importance. Just as adults do not wish to be children, in the sense that they were children before they became men and women, just as that state of childhood is merged into the state of adult existence, so the final expression includes the preceding states and all expressions are merged in the Soul possession. The personality which is so much prized on earth is not lost, (excepting the earthly part is cast aside) but is a portion of the larger individuality, the Soul entity.

Thus in the vast range of experiences you become aware of what the Soul wishes to accomplish in us expression through matter: facility over the conditions that pertain to matter; the conquest, consciously, over all earthly states, to the end that, as each state ministers to the state that is next lowest, all may minister unto others. So when expression in all embodiments has taken place, when the experience of earth is done, when every vanquishment has been made, the greatest of which is the conquest of self, the Soul, because of having passed through all the culminations of all the embodiments of earth, is again united; and this is an Angel of the earth. The angelic states of earth constitute the harvest of what has been accomplished in the earthly expression, and the angelic ministration is to those who are still in the wilderness of time; these states succeed one another in height until they become allied to Souls in arch angelic states who minister to the higher Angels, and who through them approach the earth at unusual times.

Eternity includes all planetary cycles of expression, and there are such intervals from expression to the absolute, the state of being, as constitute sufficient respite from all expression. Every Soul is in the absolute state such cycles or eons as intervene between angelic, arch angelic, and Messianic states, and the commencement of a new series of embodiments on another system. Those are Angels who are perfected on each planet, having conquered that world. The Soul in its reunited state as an Angel has expressed all possible degrees, and   therefore has charge over Souls that are still in the state of expression; when that charge is fulfilled after every planetary existence, the Soul passes on to another planet.

If any one has endeavored to measure the periods or cycles of time in connection with earthly and planetary expression it would almost be fruitless; although it is possible to state in numbers the years included in the vast cycles that intervene between the commencement and close of expression on a planet, also the cycles that intervene between the planetary expressions, when the Soul is in a state of being instead of existence, also the eons that intervene between expressions in systems of planets; but those figures would convey no idea that the human mind could grasp, so vast would be the number.

Those who are Archangels of lesser degree in the solar system are Angels from the planet Jupiter: the Jupiter referred to in ancient symbolism as the central light of the gods; and as the gods were Archangels they had their beginnings, i. e., their home on that planet. Souls in the highest angelic state of Jupiter, therefore, minister to the earth or any other planet within the radius of the orbit of Jupiter. Beyond the planet Jupiter Archangels are interstellar, and they have sufficient power to shape and mold some portion of the destinies of the planets of your system. The interstellar Arch-angels are those who announce the Messiahs, who are twelve in number. There are inter-solar Archangels from beyond your solar system, those who accompany the Messiahs; these are among the highest order of Archangels, and by them are chosen, from among the Archangels of your system, those who shall usher in and abide with a dispensation until its close.

Souls approach planets in certain numbers in a given cycle. We have given the number twelve as the family of Souls: that being the typical generic number of the universe; that being the typical number of planets in a system. In the companionship of Souls there are twelve families, one hundred and forty-four Souls, and in the larger groups one hundred and forty-four thousand kindred Souls. These come into a dispensation and are carried forward by a dispensation together; another one hundred and forty-four thousand approach the earth after a certain cycle of time, succeeded by others, until the preparation for a dispensation is complete.

The full number of Souls have approached the earth: all the Souls are upon the earth and within the heavens of your planet that ever will have expression here; so that all embodiments now are of Souls that have been embodied, some of them many times. The lower states are represented by the primitive states of nations now upon the   earth; the higher states of expression now on earth offer sufficient encouragement to those who are seeking to know what the ultimate will be.

All states of existence having been expressed; all victories having been attained, as illustrated in the different conditions of human life upon planets and in the different degrees of angelic and arch-angelic states, there is but one other expression within the possible range of man’s comprehension, or even conception, and that only in some of its results: the order of Divine Lives that come to the earth as Messiahs. These are the Sons of God: those who have overcome worlds, as explained in the sixth regular lesson. These are Arch-angels of so high an order that their names could not be spoken on earth with any knowledge of their meaning. Messiahs approach the earth in cycles: these are denominated the twelve Messianic cycles, as there are twelve Messiahs for each solar system; i. e., those who are Messiahs to each planet of a solar system.

A dispensation is the entire result of a Messianic visitation, from the birth of a Messiah to the full culmination of all Souls (as Angels) who belong to that Messianic cycle; the harvest of a Messianic life.

The Messiahs are a prophecy for all: the state illustrating the last and greatest victory over all expression in matter, the entire forgetfulness of self: the perfect recognition of the divine entity in each Soul, and the Infinite entity, God.

Of the twelve dispensations that the earth shall know, five have already transpired, the sixth now approaches. Its close will complete one-half of all the Messianic periods of earth; therefore its culmination will also be a culmination for time preceding dispensations; a restoration and a recognition of their places by the children of the New Light.

The Messianic expression of the New Dispensation will be in dual form, man and woman, typical of the perfect human state; symbol of the Divine Soul union. Both expressions will constitute the One Messiah and will have recognition in the New Life. In the Christian dispensation this is symbolized by the marriage of Christ and the Church, to which a superficial and very material interpretation has been given by an uninspired clergy. This will be the reconciliation of man to God. (As God never is other than one with man, but man departs from God; i. e., from the perception of God.) The new dispensation brings the “peace”--if which the dispensation of Jesus was but the prophecy. The people of the New Nation will cease to wage war, will not outrage the “image of God,” and therefore will not outrage God. All this is to come to the children of   the new dispensation when the New Messiah appears, and to all the nations of the earth when all the Messiahs shall have come.

Thus have we given you the outlines of this system to be completed as you pass on. Thus you have in the line of Impulsion from the Soul, Involution toward and into matter, the line of Embodiments toward each Culmination, and the line of final Culmination in the Angel, the solution of the entire problem of human life; and thus you have in the Angelic, Arch angelic, and Messianic states, the suggestion of the state of Being, the Soul state: eternity.

As in the material state you are accustomed to consider the source of all life the light of the sun and of the more distant sun of suns, so in the Celestial state, within the Infinite Love, guided by the Messianic Sun, heralded by Archangels, ministered to by Angels, all Souls move in their expression toward the appointed goal.



As when the horticulturist has carefully prepared the soil and planted his seed he allows time for germination before he watches for the tender shoots, so we will ask you to allow these seeds of celestial truths to rest within your spirits until they have time to quicken into growth.  Do not permit material shadows to retard, nor superficial reasoning to attempt to hasten, their germination.
Not all at once can the mind grasp any truth, and never until there is preparation from within.

We have given the thesis for you to accept or reject; rest assured that we neither ask you to accept it on our authority, nor will we seek to enforce it by argument.  Truth, like mathematics, is its own demonstration, when the principals upon which it rests are known. Thinking without knowledge is of no value: when you are perplexed seek the source of knowledge, of perception, within the Soul; the mind grows clear when illumined from within.

Endeavor to grasp the central truths and all small problems adjust themselves easily to the center.  If the mind revolves around anything less than the central truths we have enunciated, bewilderment and error will ensue.

Bear in mind also that truth, as well as the perception of it, comes from within; the presentation of truth to the mind is of no avail unless the Soul comes forth to meet it.

If in doubt wait for growth; if perplexed wait for growth; and if in darkness wait for the light that cometh from the Soul.

We have planted in perfect love; let the growth also be in love. Let the sunshine of your prosperity and the tears of your adversity fall upon the sacred garden of the spirit:  we shall know by the fruitage of your lives, by your love, and truth, and goodness whether the germs have quickened unto the harvest of the Soul.



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1840 - 1923
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